Keep Adventuring

Jersey Girl Turned Backpacker.

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Travel Day

Travel Day

One of those long travel days where you’re not sure which country or time zone you are in.

Our first flight was to Germany and left Dublin at 6:50am so we headed out to Dublin airport at 4am for teary goodbyes. Had to have celebratory pints with breakfast of course.

The flight to Germany was only two and a half hours and that left us with a four hour layover in Düsseldorf. Flying with two separate airlines (Aer Lingus to Germany and EuroWings to Thailand) meant that we had to get our bags, and go to check in for our second flight. Düsseldorf airport was incredibly expensive but the few hours we had to wait went by quickly.

When we went to board, 4/5 of the five of us were boarding priority group 1. Getting onto the plane to find out that we had been upgraded to first class for the 11.5 hour flight was AMAZING. Didnt believe it at first of course and wasn’t waiting for a flight attendant to tell us that there had been a mistake. Airplane food is still terrible no matter what class you are flying on but the extra leg room and reclining seats made all difference.

The flight landed in Bangkok at 6am. There was a ~30min wait in line for customs. The guard didn’t ask or say anything, had to fingerprint scans-visa was stamped for 30 days!

Grabbed our bags and headed out to find a taxi. The taxi rank at Bangkok airport wasn’t super organized-different lines for different sized cars. We got to a van and with the help of google translate we were on way into the city. We paid 200baht each (about $6) which now looking at it was probably more than we should have but we were tired and didn’t know anything about the taxi system.

Made it through Bangkok morning rush hour and got to the hostel by 8am

First Stop: Bangkok

First Stop: Bangkok