Keep Adventuring

Jersey Girl Turned Backpacker.

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After a little bit of research…
I tried on three backpacks in two different stores. I bought the third backpack I tried on (not the deciding factor but it helped that it was on sale)— The North Face Women’s Terra 55. A 55 liter pack that will carry anything I could possibly need for six weeks in SE Asia followed up by an extended stay in Australia.

I’m trying to stay pretty minimal as far as packing goes- I know when I get to Australia I will be able to buy what I need for the longer stay.

When I moved to Ireland I brought WAY too much. Suitcases and suitcases full brought over by different people because I thought I would need the majority of my possessions and apparently forgot that I could buy absolutely whatever I needed while I was there.

Knowing what I wear on a regular day-to-day basis (read: leggings/t-shirts/tank-tops) that’s what I will be living in along with bathing suits and sundresses. There will be a list to follow with what I actually end up packing.

Carry On Backpack

Long or short flights I will be happy with a book and plenty of snacks and a supply of melatonin.

This trip is going to be different than others i have taken because of how long i am going for. Even though i have a big pack i am using my good ‘ol Jansport backpack (32L) from middle school as my carry on. It’s big enough to fit spare clothes, toiletries and whatever i need for the flight. I’m going to use it as my day bag for Thailand and Bali because it seems like it’s more convenient to carry a backpack than an over the shoulder bag.

In my carry-on:
•the most important: passports & wallet
•book (the poisonwood bible)
•tech: powerbank, phone charger & adapter, headphones, camera (& charger)
•toiletries bag: contact lenses & solution, glasses case, ~makeup, melatonin
•reusable water bottle
•first aid kit
•change of clothes, bathing suit, rainjacket (just in case my backpack gets lost along the way)
•snacks: granola bars, sweets & whatever else i panic buy in the airport before the flight

All about the money

All about the money